Joint Parsing and Generation for Abstractive Summarization


Sentences produced by abstractive summarization systems can be ungrammatical and fail to preserve the original meanings, despite being locally fluent. In this paper we propose to remedy this problem by jointly generating a sentence and its syntactic dependency parse while performing abstraction. If generating a word can introduce an erroneous relation to the summary, the behavior must be discouraged. The proposed method thus holds promise for producing grammatical sentences and encouraging the summary to stay true-to-original. Our contributions of this work are twofold. First, we present a novel neural architecture for abstractive summarization that combines a sequential decoder with a tree-based decoder in a synchronized manner to generate a summary sentence and its syntactic parse. Secondly, we describe a novel human evaluation protocol to assess if, and to what extent, a summary remains true to its original meanings. We evaluate our method on a number of summarization datasets and demonstrate competitive results against strong baselines.

In Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Kaiqiang Song
Kaiqiang Song
Senior Research Scientist

Kaiqiang Song (宋凯强) is a Senior Research Scientist at Tencent AI Lab, Seattle, specializing in Natural Language Processing. His research focuses on advancing artificial intelligence through machine learning, NLP, and large language models. He is dedicated to optimizing AI model architectures for practical applications like text summarization and text generation, bridging the gap between foundational AI research and real-world impact.